Duffy, S., P.E. Turner, C.L. Burch. 2006
Genetics 172:751-757.
O'Keefe, K.J., N.M. Morales, H. Ernstberger, G. Benoit, P.E. Turner.2006
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72:3032-3035.
Montville, R., R. Froissart, S.K. Remold, O. Tenaillon, P.E. Turner.2005
PLoS Biology 3(11):1939-1945.
Silander, O.K., D. Weinreich, K. Wright, K. O'Keefe, C. Rang, P.E. Turner, L. Chao.2005
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102(52):19009-19014.
Turner, P.E.2005
American Scientist 93:428-435.
Turner, P.E.2005
Pp. 309-332 in R. Desharnais (ed.) Population Dynamics and Laboratory Ecology, vol. 37 of Advances in Ecological Research. Elsevier Press.
Dennehy, J.J., P.E. Turner.2004
Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 271:2275-2282.
Froissart, R., C. Wilke, R. Montville, S. Remold, L. Chao, P.E. Turner.2004
Genetics 168:9-19.
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National Academy Press, Washington DC.